Chapter 3 is coming, and a thank you
Just a quick note tonight to let everyone know that Chapter 3 of The Stag Warrior's journey is in the works, and should be "on paper" in a few days time. I have been meaning to write something to let everyone know that the saga will continue, but as you'll see below, I have new incentive to write it. It's been a learning experience and one of deep inner contemplation at times. I learn from myself as I write, more each time, about who and what I am, and who and what I wish to become. My life in the "real" world is no different than that of anyone else, but I find that writing that way helps me to focus, and to process my thoughts in a more imaginative way. Imagination and visualization go hand in hand, and if it can be imagined, it CAN be done.
I got the surprise of my life yesterday morning reading "Turn-around Tuesdays" at The Soccer Mom's Guide to Wicca. Fae had posted an entry about the first two chapters of my saga, but that wasn't the surprise, as she had informed me in advance. She gave me the biggest compliments in her descriptions of me and my blog, and Fae, all I can say is, thank you so much for making my day with your kind words. I am "a quite talented writer"? Wow! You have made The Stag Warrior's journey, on this day, just that much brighter. Thanks again.
And for anyone who has not checked out Fae and Juniper's blog, please do, they are both TRUE talented writers, and have a lot to offer. Just click the link above and it will take you to their home page.
Blessings to all of you on YOUR journey!
You ARE a talented writer, and I read you every time you post, though I'm not always the most prompt with my comments ;)
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